BCC Learning Center

The BCC Learning Center is a Gospel-centered after-school mentoring and tutoring ministry focused on three things: EMPOWERMENT, EDUCATION, and ETERNITY.

What We Offer:

  • During the school year and summer, we work to help students succeed in the classroom and life.

    Every Tuesday and Thursday we spend our time tutoring kids in 1st grade – 12th grade. Every kid enrolled in our ministry is fed a snack or a meal. If a kid’s stomach is empty, then they will have a hard time filling their minds with the knowledge they need to learn. Every child will also be exposed to the Gospel. What we know to be true is that, as important as a good education is, its impact is limited when it comes to our need for redemption.

    Therefore, we want our students to know that there is a loving God who wants a relationship with them.

  • Offered two days a week from 6-8:30PM. See class schedule below:

    ESL literacy classes (Tuesdays & Thursdays)

    ESL beginning classes (Mondays & Wednesdays)

    ESL intermediate classes (Mondays & Wednesdays)

    ESL high intermediate classes (Mondays & Wednesdays)

  • This course is one on one with our Latino director. For more information, please give us a call at 405-848-2046

  • One on one tutoring during the summer.

For more information please fill out the form below