Hi Gang,

It was an unbelievable day! I am so blessed to have this opportunity to see where Jesus walked. I’ve only been here one day, but I can honestly tell you that I am overwhelmed with what I’ve seen just today. We began our morning at Korazin. Archeologists have been digging there for some time and they have unearthed a community that dates from Jesus’ time. They’ve also found a synagogue that dates later than Jesus’ day, but which was amazing to see. You can read about Jesus’ cursing Korazin and Bethsaida in Matthew 11:21-22.

Our next stop was in the northern part of Israel where the tribe of Dan eventually settled. I could write for days on the history of this, but I’ve got to keep it brief since I don’t want to inundate you with “stuff.” You can read about what I saw in 1 Kings 11-12. Jeroboam was given 10 of the twelve tribes and promised that if he would seek the Lord then the Lord would give him an inheritance and future that sure sounds like the promises God made to David’s lineage. Jeroboam was the king in the north when the Kingdom of Israel divided. God had commanded His people to only worship in Jerusalem so Jeroboam had a problem. He thought that if his people went to Jerusalem that they would side with Rehoboam and want to stay in Jerusalem. Jeroboam set up an alternative to God’s prescription for worship in Dan and Bethel. He made two altars, set two golden calves on them, and told the people, “Here are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.” The false altar of Jeroboam erected over 3,000 years ago has been found! It is amazing to see! They have also discovered the city wall surrounging Dan. (It’s the picture of David and Karen standing in front of the city gate) I was so not wanting to leave the place. Also, Kay Arthur, our Bible teacher for the week did an awesome job of teaching from 1 Kings 11-12 while we stood and gave upon the false altar.

Our last stop of the day was at Caesarea Philippi, a city built by Herod the Great’s son, Phillip. It is built at the base of Mt. Hermon and absolutely beautiful, but full of idols. This is the place where Jesus asked His disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” (Matt 16:13f) It is also the place where Peter made his bold confession, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!” It is amazing to look at the ruins of this great city, a center of worship and culture, and to see that today it is merely ruins. Where are the accomplishments of Herod the Great, his son, Phillip, and all of the other great Roman Emperors? They are ruins! I stood today with people from all over the world, not a physical building, but the Body of Christ, and Christ’s body is growing each and every day! Wow! What a blessing to walk to where Jesus walked.

You can see the pictures as I add them here on the website.

The Bible Has Come Alive!